70% of the body is made up of water, every system in the body needs adequate amount of water to work optimally. Water plays a very essential role in blood circulation, digestion, absorption of nutrients and in the elimination of toxins as well. It helps keep the skin young and healthy too. If you wish to keep your skin young and healthy, it is important that you keep it hydrated.

Below are a few tips on how you can do so:

1. Alkalize your system – start your day with a large glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice.

2. Have flavored water – you could add orange slices, lemon or lime, you could also add fresh herbs like basil and mint. Store this in the refrigerator, so it’salways handy.

3. Set a reminder. With hectic work schedules and myriad chores through the day, let your phone help you remember that it is time for a drink of water.

4. Keep a bottle of water handy everywhere you go. No matter where, make sure you have your trusty sipper by your side. In your car, on your bike, in your handbag, in the supermarket, at the office, when you go to the mall, when you go for a movie, when you go for a walk, when you go to pick up your kids from football practice, no matter where – have your bottle with you.

5. Watch out for signs of dehydration and take a large sip when you identify them. Dizziness, headaches, mood swings etc. could indicate that you are dehydrated.

6. Refuel especially after a great work out or on a really hot day. When you lose water through sweat, it has to be compensated. Pregnant and breastfeeding women too should fuel up on water as and when possible.

Cut back on caffeine, if you are out partying late, make sure the next day is dedicated to water therapy and just ensure that your body and your skin are adequately hydrated. You don’t need fancy water – simple H2O works just fine.
Speak with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist or get in touch with a Homeopath to
learn how you can use water well to keep your skin young and healthy.