Ears are very delicate and only the gentlest measures should be taken to dislodge any foreign objects from the outer ear canal.
Foreign Body in the Ear
If a small bead or insect gets into the ear, wash out the ear with tepid Hypericum and Calendula solution. Tilt the person’s head so that the affected ear is uppermost, gently pull back the ear lobe to straighten the ear canal, and pour the solution into the ear. With luck, the object will float out. If not, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Bleeding from the Ear
This may be due to laceration of the external part of the ear or the ear canal, perforation of the eardrum due to a sudden increase in pressure (caused by diving or a nearby explosion), or a fracture of the skull (see Head Injuries), in which case there may be leakage of a clear fluid instead of blood. Bleeding may also be accompanied by earache, headache, deafness, and loss of consciousness.
Place the casualty in a half-sitting position, with the head tilted towards the side that is bleeding. This allows blood, etc. to drain out of the ear. Cover the ear with a sterile dressing, but do not restrict the drainage of fluids. Check breathing, pulse, and state of alertness, and dial 911.
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