How Can Colors Help You Lose Weight?

This may seem a little absurd, but it can really work. Color can help you lose weight. Read on to learn how. All you have to do is spend a little time and energy in the kitchen to redecorate your food differently, and you will learn how a few colors can help you start...

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off!

You may have achieved your weight loss goal, but the trickier part is just beginning. How are you going to keep this weight off? There are a few things that people who are successful in keeping weight off have in common, and we are going to discuss them today. If you...

How to Prevent Yellow Teeth!

You may not be aware of this, but teeth are not supposed to be pearly white, their actual color is actually a light yellow-red or light yellow. However, as you age, the color of one’s teeth tends to darken and they become yellower, making you afraid to smile and show...

Eat Fast – Get FAT

You may have been taught in school, or your parents may have tried to tell you that there is a specific number of times that you have to chew the food that you put in to your mouth. You may have ignored all the advice, because you were in a hurry to watch that show on...