by Hermeet Suri | Feb 9, 2013 | Blog, Diet and Weight Loss
When taking on a weight loss diet you have to be sure that it works towards meeting your goals. There are a number of diets out there, however, it is important that you consult a Registered Holistic Nutritionist first before you go ahead and adopt diets that deprive...
by Hermeet Suri | Feb 8, 2013 | Blog, Preventative
Even the best of us cannot resist it. You come in to a restaurant hoping that you will only have a salad and may be a glass of wine, but by the end of the evening, you are opening up your trouser buttons to make room for your inflated stomach. While you may be...
by Hermeet Suri | Feb 8, 2013 | Blog, Pediatrics
Deciding what to pack in your child’s lunch box can be an arduous task. The process of making food is much simpler than coming up with ideas that your kids will really enjoy. It always helps to have a list of great recipes handy, so that you do not have to flip in bed...
by Hermeet Suri | Feb 6, 2013 | Blog, Sports
When you eat well, you will automatically feel more energetic, you will sleep better and you will recover better after games and practices, giving an impetus to overall performance. There are many people who fail to pay attention to nutrition, because they think that...
by Hermeet Suri | Feb 6, 2013 | Blog, Women
Yes, you are pregnant, you have that beautiful glow on your face and every one around you is jumping for joy and waiting for the little one to arrive. If you wish to stay healthy during through the entire term, you have to exercise. Exercising during this time has a...
by Hermeet Suri | Feb 4, 2013 | Blog, Heart Health
People who are suffering from IRDs or Inherited Rhythm Disorders have irregular heartbeats, which are also known as arrhythmias. The condition on being diagnosed can be treated and people can lead a normal life with appropriate care and the right medication. The...
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