Hydration Facts that every Athlete Should Know!

It is a known fact that every athlete needs a sufficient amount of water to perform to the best of their ability. However, while this is a known fact, it is often ignored. If these stayed ignored, one’s performance could suffer and one could also experience fatigue,...

Daily Self Checks That Are a Must!

We all want to live long and healthy lives. We want to see our children get married, we want to play with their children and if health and life permits, we want to travel the world. However, if we do not take care of our health and do not keep an eye out for diseases...

Kawasaki Disease

This disease is a children’s condition that in some cases can also affect the coronary arteries and heart. In most cases it leads to weakening the walls of the coronary artery and they balloon out and cause and aneurysm. Blood clots could also sometimes form in the...

Stay Eco-Smart with These Amazing Tips!

The world we wish to provide our children, should be one that is as bountiful as the one that we enjoy. Resources are limited and it is our responsibility to use them wisely, so that the future can sustain itself. Conservation is the name of the game and the faster...