Are you following an alkaline diet?

Are you following an alkaline diet?

If you are looking for a smart way to increase energy levels, get the ideal body, and stay away from problems caused due to inflammation, then you should indeed think about switching to an alkaline diet. What it means is that you should choose to follow a diet that...
Demystifying the Twinkie!

Demystifying the Twinkie!

You may swear by that delicious Twinkie, eat it before you leave for the office, feed it to your little one, pack it in their lunch and even eat it when you need a quick pick me up. However, you should know that it is not the ideal food to have morning, noon or night...
Foods that you should avoid!

Foods that you should avoid!

You may not realize it, but the food that you eat every day may not be suitable for you. There are a host of healthier alternatives out there to everyday foods that are slowly but surely poisoning your system. So, be careful and read carefully to learn how you can use...