A survey suggests as many as 60 percent of Scottish doctors prescribe homeopathic or herbal remedies. University of Aberdeen researchers analyzed prescribing data from 2003 and 2004, covering 1.9 million Scottish patients in 323 practices, and found that children under 12 months were most likely to be prescribed homeopathic or herbal remedies, followed by adults age 81–90. The authors call for a critical look at the use of these remedies, given the high prescriptions to children and babies. Doctors who prescribed patients a homeopathic remedy also prescribed them a median of four conventional medicines during the study period.
The top five homeopathic remedies used were Arnica montana (for injury, bruising), Rhus toxicodendron (joint symptoms, headache), Cuprum metallicum (cramps, poor circulation),Pulsatilla (PMS, menopausal symptoms, breast feeding problems), and Sepia (PMS, menopausal symptoms, fatigue).
—”Homeopathic and herbal prescribing in general practice in Scotland,”
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology,
Volume 62.6, December 2006.
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