You are probably not aware of the fact, but you are spending more time sitting than sleeping. According to research, the average time someone spends sitting is 9.3 hours, way more than how much time he gets to sleeps, which is an average of 7.5 hours.
The human body is not made to observe a sedentary lifestyle, it was made for moving, and the effects of what a sedentary lifestyle can do to our bodies, is just about coming to light.
A work week typically comprises of one driving to work, sitting at one’s desk and then may be sitting on a couch when back home. This is unlike how human beings have been living, before technology came in to the picture. Exercise did not need to be scheduled, it was a part of one’s lifestyle.
Prolonged sitting is a relatively new phenomenon. You may often feel some sluggishness, tension headaches and backache, all caused due to a sedentary lifestyle. However, the ill effects go far beyond poor posture and just aches and pains.
Prolonged periods of sitting can increase the cause of chronic disease such as cardiovascular illness, diabetes and even cancer. Energy needs to be spent all day, a run at the end of the day will not cut it.
The numbers are scary, for every two hours you spend sitting and watching TV, you are cutting 22 minutes from your lifespan.
A few facts could help open your eyes:
1. If you sit for more than 6 hours in a day, risk of mortality increases by 40% compared to those who spend less than 3 hours sitting.
2. Sitting does not require any energy
3. The activity levels of our fat metabolizing enzymes decrease drastically when we are sitting.
4. Within 24 hours, sitting causes good cholesterol levels to decrease by 20% and insulin plummets to 24%.
5. Those who have jobs that render them sedentary are at a higher risk of heart disease.
How can we change this?
While it is going to be difficult for those with jobs that require one to remain at their desk to be productive, there are things that one can do to include some activity in to their daily lives.
For example:
1. Walking meetings can help, especially if its just two or three people involved. Take the meeting outside, get some fresh air and sunshine, you will feel so much better once you return to the office.
2. Take rest and stretch breaks when you are going to be driving for a long time. This is especially important, as it helps relax and improve concentration of the driver.
3. A concept that can help is active sitting, which means, sit on a yoga ball instead of a chair, it is still sitting, but it engages more muscles than a regular chair.
4. Walk to work if you live close by, ride if you are not too far away and if you have to drive, then park your car a little further away from where you work.
5. Take the stairs instead of elevators.
6. Walk across the office to speak with a colleague instead of sending them an email.
7. When at home, watching TV, use ad breaks to stretch your legs and walk around a little bit.
Speak with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist or get in touch with a Homeopath to learn how you can enjoy a healthy life by including natural foods in your diet to compliment it with an active life.
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