A healthy life cannot be achieved without exercise being a part of it. If you genuinely wish to lead a life that is full of health, then not only will a healthy diet work, but plentiful exercise will be needed as well.

To put it into numbers so that you can tailor your exercise regimen accordingly, you should get about 2.5 hours of moderate cardio exercise or 1.25 hours of vigorous cardio exercise should be participated in during a week.

You do not need to go to the gym and buy fancy equipment to bung in some exercise into your lifestyle. Taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to the supermarket, doing simple chores around the house, walking around the block a couple of times, and push-ups in your living room too can suffice to get the exercise that you need to stay fit. Also, some dancing can do great for your mind, body and soul.

So, go for it, make exercise a part of your lifestyle if you wish to remain healthy. There are a ton of exciting option out there like Zumba, Pilates and yoga too that can help you achieve the benefits of good health.

Make an appointment with Hermeet Singh Suri (HOM, BSc., RHN, Epigeneticist) at The Homeopathic Plus Centre and learn, how you can include natural ways to live better with good and nutritious food in your diet.