It is important that you eat clean if you wish to lead a healthy life. When choosing fruits and vegetables when you shop at the super market, choose to opt for varieties that are minimal processed. Fruits and vegetables are best in their raw form.

Canned Tomatoes
The tin that Canned Tomatoes come in are not the healthiest choice for one. Instead, choosing tomato puree that comes in glass bottles may be a better idea. Or you could simply choose to opt for tomatoes in the raw form, and make a puree yourself at home in a grinder.

Microwave popcorn
The lining of the bag in which you make the microwave popcorn holds the problem. Instead, choose to go the old way and opt to make your very own popcorn in a skillet and add some fresh butter and herbs to flavor it.

It is important that you choose to opt for organic apples, as apposed to apples that are grown the traditional way by being doused in pesticides. Apples do not develop resistance to pests very easily and hence it is important that they are doused with pesticides periodically.

Choose to buy only organic apples and you skip ingesting pesticides that could be causing havoc in your life.

So, promise to eat clean and ensure that everyone in your family eats clean too. Get in touch with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist or get in touch with a Homeopath so that you can get your hands on herbal and natural remedies for a healthy life. Choose to eat organic food and try and avoid processed foods as much as you can.