A Day of Happiness…Everyday!

They say, the happiest people are most often the most beautiful. However most of us find it very difficult to stay happy, given the multitude of issues that surround us. What you must know that it is not the big things that can bring happiness alone, a few small...

No one Can Eat Just One!

Oh that packet of potato chips, you look at it, you salivate, you slowly go towards it, hoping that a rip, and a tear and just one chip will suffice, but it does not end there. You end up finishing the packet, in fact turn it upside down a couple of times hoping that...

Stop the Bloating – Here’s How!

You wake up one morning and your favorite pair of pants just refuses to button up. You feel dejected and get on your weight machine. But, the problem may not be that you have put on weight, it could be attributed to some plain and simple bloating. One of the main...

Fun Time with Family!

Yes, most parents look forward to that Sunday afternoon, as it is time that is spent with the family. It could be a day just idling at home and watching some movies, cooking up some tasty treats or even going to the mall. However, this time could be used to get your...

Build Muscles – With Three Simple Tips!

Focusing only on strength training without paying attention to the nutrition needs of your body is not going to do you any good. Focus on both aspects for improving sports performance, that is your physical training as well as what you eat. Below mentioned are a few...