How Can Colors Help You Lose Weight?

This may seem a little absurd, but it can really work. Color can help you lose weight. Read on to learn how. All you have to do is spend a little time and energy in the kitchen to redecorate your food differently, and you will learn how a few colors can help you start...

Down Syndrome Case #2 Boy

Back in January 2012, I was desperate seeking a way to help Vedansh, my son who has Down Syndrome, that’s when I chanced upon Hermeet Suri’s website and read a testimonial about the treatment of a girl with Down Syndrome. Following a conversation with Hermeet, my wife...

Down Syndrome Case #1 Girl

Ever since we started Neesha’s remedies back in February 2011, there has been a noticeable improvement in her overall frame of min. The improvement was so significant that for the first time in 2012, we took her off half the medication since it was not required. Once...

Protein Alone will Not Build Muscle Alone!

Most athletes are aware that consuming protein is important because it helps increase muscle strength, it helps power up the process of muscle repair and recovery and it also helps increase muscle size. However, just proteins are not going to help you get the results...

Grieve – It’s OK!

There are a number of couples out there whose dreams do not turn out the way they planned. Sometimes man proposes and God disposes, let’s face it that is the way it is. For hundreds of couples across the world, a positive sign on a home pregnancy test is the ultimate...