Linked to Deaths

In June 2009, Genentech, Inc. ­withdrew the psoriasis drug Raptiva from the ­market after it was linked to deaths of at least three patients from a rare but often fatal brain ­disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Although 80% of people are said...

Homeopathy Helps ­Psoriasis

A 2009 multicenter study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology gathered data on 82 patients with psoriasis who were treated with classical homeopathy for two years. The study found a marked reduction in psoriasis symptoms and...

Ear Candling

“Ear candling,” also known as auricular candling or coning, refers to various procedures that involve placing a cone-shaped device in the ear canal and supposedly extracting earwax and other impurities with the help of smoke or a burning wick. The origins...

Scottish doctors

A survey suggests as many as 60 percent of Scottish doctors prescribe homeopathic or herbal remedies. University of Aberdeen researchers analyzed prescribing data from 2003 and 2004, covering 1.9 million Scottish patients in 323 practices, and found that children...

Regulate homeopathic profession

An omnibus bill introduced on December 12, 2006, proposes to streamline the process for handling patients’ complaints; establish naturopathy, homeopathy, kinesiology, and psychotherapy as regulated professions in the health-care system; and more. —CBC News, December...